


Gaye qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1997 through The University of Cape Town, South Africa and obtained a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. She began her career in elderly care but soon found her passion for working with young people and especially the under 5’s. Gaye has over 22 years experience whilst working in a variety of acute, community and educational settings. She prides herself on ensuring each episode of intervention is certainly fun and tailored uniquely to the child’s needs. Over the years she has worked with children and young people in many different settings and experiencing a wide array of profound and multiple disabilities. Some of these conditions include: Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Sensory processing disorders, Dyspraxia, Developmental Disorders and learning disabilities.

Alongside her day to day OT work, Gaye continues to extend her knowledge and skills by attending training courses to further develop her clinical skills and expertise.

She has postgraduate certificates in Ayres Sensory Integration, DIR Floortime and Bobath Therapy (Neuro-developmental techniques) as well as handwriting and visual perceptual skill programs.

In her spare time Gaye enjoys triathlons, spending time with her husband and children and raising money to support children with Hirschsprung’s Disease and Epilepsy.